Mandatory Reporting – Children


This module discusses the obligations associated with being a mandatory reporter. A mandatory reporter is a person who is required by law to report certain activities or abuses. This module explains when a report is to be made and how. It describes what constitutes physical and sexual abuse. It also aims to assist registered healthcare practitioners and any other person required to make a report, in understanding what protections are available to them if they report suspected abuse and what their responsibilities are in the event that there is a conflict between their employer’s policies and protocols and legal requirements.

This module is aimed at any person who is a mandatory reporter and any other person working with children who may wish to make a voluntary report at some time.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Know who is a mandatory reporter for the purpose of child protection legislation.
  • Understand what constitutes sexual abuse.
  • Understand what constitutes physical abuse.
  • Understand the requirements for mandatory reporters depending on the state or territory in which a mandatory reporter is working.
  • UKnow what to do once a potential breach of the expected standard has been identified.
  • Be aware of statutory protections for reporters.
  • Know what to do when an employer’s directions or protocols conflict with a registered practitioner’s duty to report suspected abuse or neglect.

Other Modules to Explore