Elder Abuse – Advanced Learning


Elder abuse is often defined as:

‘…an intentional single or repeated act, or a lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship where trust is expected or implied, that causes or creates a risk of harm or distress for an older person’ (WHO 2008).

It is far more common that what has often been acknowledged.

This module provides training on what elder abuse is, the main forms it takes, the risk factors for elder abuse, its identification, and the initial response expected from those working in an Aboriginal health service who identify or suspect elder abuse. It discusses the principles that underpin prevention and response strategies and identifies some of the reasons the rate of elder abuse is likely to increase.

Who is this module for?

Everyone working in an Aboriginal health service requires annual training on working with vulnerable people. This module is targeted at those who provide direct client care to older people. There is a shorter module available ‘Elder abuse – core learning’. The core learning module is for all those working at the AMS who do not provide direct care to older people. People who this module may be appropriate for are:

  • Clinicians including doctors, nurses, Aboriginal health workers.
  • Allied health professionals.
  • Those working in programs that are directed at older people (for example HACC/NDIS workers although consider the core module for some workers as a starting point)..
  • Counsellors and social and emotional team members who may, as part of their role, provide services to older people.
  • Managers – managers and team leaders of clinical care areas or programs directed at older people.
  • Senior managers and CEOs – who all require advanced knowledge of elder abuse.

Participants should choose one Elder abuse module – not both. Choose either:

  • Elder abuse – Core learning.
  • Elder abuse – Advanced learning.

This is a long module. Participants may exit the module and recommence where you left off anytime.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Explain the principles that underpin the strategies to prevent and respond to elder abuse.
  • Describe the common forms of elder abuse.
  • Identify risk factors for elder abuse.
  • Respond to identified or suspected elder abuse.

Other Modules to Explore