Promoting the use of telehealth in Aboriginal Medical Services


Telehealth is the use of technology to deliver health care at a distance. It offers opportunities to help improve health care in Australia, particularly in regional and remote settings.

Despite growth in telehealth models of care, it remains under-utilised in primary care settings. By enhancing the use of telehealth, Aboriginal medical services may help improve access to care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, continuity of care between health care providers, opportunities for continuing professional development, and cost-effectiveness of health care interventions.

This module is focused on telehealth for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at Aboriginal Medical Services.

It is designed for managers and clinicians (nurses, Aboriginal health

practitioners and workers, allied health professionals, and general practitioners) who are interested in expanding the use of telehealth in their setting.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Define telehealth and the three major types of telehealth used in Australia.
  • Understand the current use of telehealth in Australia.
  • Describe the benefits and outcomes associated with the use of telehealth for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Identify how telehealth performed at an AMS is funded by the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
  • Highlight factors that affect the sustainability of telehealth in Australia.
  • Consider how recommendations to enhance the use of telehealth can be applied in your setting.

Other Modules to Explore